We reduce vulnerabilities and offer new futures to young adults by transitioning them to self-sufficiency in three key ways.

Providing Safe Housing

When young adults move into MyPlace, they have the opportunity to step out of survival mode and truly begin healing. They no longer have to worry about where they are sleeping, how they will eat, or if they’ll be safe. This allows them to focus on their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. It opens their eyes to what their lives could be like and changes their outlook on the future.

Holistic Support Services

Transitioning into independence can be overwhelming, especially when young adults are also working on healing from past trauma. Ensuring they have holistic support services helps with that burden and offers a space to gradually learn to be independent. Learning various life skills, being supported in furthering their education, obtaining employment, and being provided case management sets our residents up for security and success.


Connecting young people to safe, caring, and consistent adults is one of the primary ways to mitigate their trauma. The young adults we serve are able to form healthy, loving relationships, with employees, interns, and volunteers. They know that they are cared for and can count on someone to be there for them. This not only models healthy relationships but enables them to learn their worth and believe in their potential.

source: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1998-04002-001